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Meet Our Partners

my heart aches for sisters more than anything

it aches for women helping women

like flowers ache for spring


rupi kaur



Women's Group

Nakuru, Kenya

Founded by Irene Kins as a refuge for women in crisis, Oasis Women's Group is a non-profit community organization located in Nakuru, Kenya.Oasis turns women into Artisans, teaching the skills of rolling papers, bead weaving and jewelry design. Oasis Artisans meet each week, sharing prayer, studying God's Word, singing, dancing, and training. Training's include everything from basic table banking to health education. 


Oasis also houses the Rainey Sewing Class, a year long sewing program that graduates students with the skills necessary to land a steady job as a seamstress in town. 


Oasis and Rainey Artisans are major contributors to their communities, volunteering in every way from counseling flood victims, making and distributing sanitary napkins, and planting trees and educating groups on environmental conservation through the Green Tree Project. 

Click here to meet the women of Oasis & Rainey Class,

and check out the process of paper bead rolling!


Women's Group

Nairobi, Kenya

Rehoboth is the newest NOW Partnership, and we are delighted to be working together. Rehoboth employs women in the Deep Sea Slum in Nairobi, giving them opportunities to create exquisite jewelry, sisal hand bags and baskets, and hand beaded leather sandals.


With One:


Nakuru, Kenya

Bill & Chat Coble, long time friends of NOW, are the powerhouse couple behind Start With One: Kenya (lovingly known as SWOK). Together with their native sisters and brothers, Bill & Chat are changing the way families in Kenya live- when you have clean water, you save money on getting transportation to a doctor, hospital or clinic. You save money on the doctor or hospital visit themselves, on medicine, on someone to watch your other children while you travel. You're even able to maintain a steady job and earn more income since you're not having to miss work so often from either being sick yourself or tending to sick family members. SWOK worked with top scientists all over the world to design and patent their own highly effective water filtration system, and thanks to this partnership, we can say that ALL of our Oasis Artisans and their families have clean water. 

SWOK have their hands in loads of other amazing projects as well, from building schools, a sponsorship program for Street Boys, and responding in real time to crisis on the ground. 

Click here to learn more about the ways our partnership with

SWOK is making an impact!



Nakuru, Kenya

Kenya Partners is a non-profit based in Nakuru that has deeply established roots and influences in the community. Two pre-schools, one in the country and one in a slum called Squatters Hill, a bustling 700+ student boarding school, and a fully staffed year round medical clinic are all under the KP umbrella.


Because of the trust and sincerity that has been established in Nakuru by Kenya Partners, NOW works with KP to secure lodging and drivers for our Teams throughout the year. Kenya Partners graciously wheels and deals on our behalf to ensure the best rates, lodging and drivers, as well as hosts our Teams for Sunday Morning Worship at the Boarding School and visits to the

Squatters Hill Pre-School to assist in the feeding program.

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